Gibbed Save Editor For Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Modified. Check the hex edit thread for more definitive info on what values are recommended or allowed. Gibbed's Audio Extractor Largely untested, but it won't destroy your Mass Effect 2 install. For best results, click @, press enter (for default 'shit'). Add to music player, play randomly looped. Gibbed's save editor for mass effect 2! Easy to use and enjoy! This save editor can edit your character, resources paragon/renegade points name credits etc.! This save editor can also edit mass effect 1 events and add squad members and complete their loyality missions with simple click!

EditorHey guys. I don't have the time to run through ME2 again... and I seem to have lost my saves where I romanced Garrus.
Editor So... here's the situation.Gibbed save editor for mass effect 2016

Gibbed (the guy who made the DA:O and DA2 save game generators/editors) also has an ME2 save game editor. I believe if you import a saved game from ME1 to ME2 and then use Gibbed's editor, you can change plot flags for your character's decisions from ME1 as well.

In my current save:
I romanced Liara in ME1
I stayed faithful to Liara in ME2, then did all the things in LotSB romance-wise to stick with her.
Gibbed save editor for mass effect 2018 I then broke up with her and romanced Traynor (not that I think this matters for a 'Load from ME3' file, but just in case)
I'd like to edit this save to reflect that:For
I romanced Liara in ME1.
I broke up with her in ME2 but stayed friends, and completed LotSB using paragon interrupts for friendship and such.
I romanced Garrus in ME2.

Mass Effect 2 Save Edit

The intent is so I can play from beginning and load a fresh NG+ game in ME3 in which I can romance my main man Garrus. Which values to I need to change in Gibbed to make this happen?

Gibbed Save Editor For Mass Effect 2018