Gmail Account Creator Script

  1. Create New Gmail Account
  2. Gmail Account Creator Script
  3. Create Gmail Account
  4. Gmail Account Creator Script Pastebin
Gmail Account Creator Script

Email is a pain.

Mass Gmail account creator is a top quality software created by a marketer named John Andy, the software allows you to create high quality Gmail accounts fully on autopilot the awesome thing is this badass software even phone verifies the accounts for you! Using Gmail Password Hack Tool. Using Gmail Password Hack Tool is one of the finest methods to. The Admin SDK Directory API allows you to create accounts which work with Google tools (Gmail, Calendar, etc.) but are not / accounts. This is used by companies to automate creation of accounts for online google tools when new users are added to networks and similar scenarios. User management is documented here.

Yet, despite that most obvious of truths, it's almost impossible to use the internet without an email account. Or, realistically, several accounts. You need one for work, one for your personal life, and at least one for all the garbage 'confirmation email' signups that most sites now require. But there's a trick — something those in the know have been doing for years — to make your time online less of a depressing slog of clicks and spam: burner emails.

Unlike a straight up fake email address (hello that you made up on the spot while filling out an online form, a burner email is a real account that you can actually check. It has the benefit, however, of not being explicitly tied to your name or other online accounts. In addition, it has the clutch aspect of keeping that aforementioned spam as far away from your real inbox as possible.

Create New Gmail Account

But how to do it quickly? Going through the process of creating a new Gmail account, say, every time you need to hit a 'click to activate' link found in an incoming email is annoying. (Although, you can create a Gmail account without providing a real email address or phone number for confirmation.)

Thankfully, there is an entire host of free services online that allow you to create a temporary email inbox with the click of a single button. Notably, these services should not be used for anything private or confidential. Also, importantly, this is not an instructional manual on how to create anonymous email accounts 100 percent disconnected from your real world identity — so don't get all excited about the digital crime spree you're about to go on.

Instead, this is about streamlining your daily internet life. And so, in the spirit of single clicking your way to burner account freedom, allow me to introduce you to the concept of 10 minute mail.

Although the exact amount of time differs per service, the general idea is the same: A single click creates an email inbox for a limited amount of time. The inbox is automatically open for the receipt (and often only receipt) of emails. After the set time period, the email address and its associated inbox's contents expire.

One such service, 10MinuteMail, allows you to add an additional 10 minutes to the life of the account should you feel like it.

' does NOT keep logs or records of your personal data including, but not limited to, your IP address, your incoming e-mail, and your outgoing e-mail,' reads the site's privacy policy. 'Your privacy is very important to us. A temporary cookie is used to allow the service to deliver the e-mail to the right person, but will expire when you close your browser.'

There are scores of other similar sites like 10MinuteMail (just search for '10 minute mail' on Google).

A related, but slightly different service, called Maildrop allows you to choose your own address (hello However, anyone can view the inbox in question if they happen to have or guess the email address associated with it — or if it is linked, say, in a Mashable article.

'While it may be unlikely that someone can guess a random inbox, there is no guarantee that other people don't have access to your email messages,' reads Maildrop's privacy policy. 'Please treat Maildrop as if someone else were watching over your shoulder at all times.'

Like we said, don't use these services for anything private or sensitive. But hey, when you just quickly need a throwaway email address for some random internet bullshit, burner email accounts have you covered.

Google Apps Script is one of the best hidden features of Gmail.

Did you ever want just a bit more flexibility from a filter? Maybe the ability to remove a label, or match on a header, or just decide the order they are applied in.

Apps Script can do all that and then some. They are simple JavaScript programs with access to the Gmail API that run as cron jobs on Google servers. They are free and don't require a GCP account. They can even send emails.

One could build some pretty complete bots by giving them their own Gmail account, but here I just wanted to mark Gerrit CL threads as read when I was the last to act on them.

I know I could just write a bot in Go using the APIs, but then I'd have to take care of deployment, and authentication, and it's just not worth it anymore. Apps Script are point and click.

This is a 'Technical note' post, if you want to only follow a subset of this blog check out the tags.

Setting one up

For setting up a script I'll point you to one of Benjojo's projects, who told me about this feature. It has screenshots and everything.

Come back when you have it running. You can use this minimal script as a first program just to trigger permissions:

There's no deployment or authentication effort beyond setting the schedule and clicking through the OAuth dialog.

Let's get serious

The IDE at makes an attempt at tracking types for autocompletion, but it doesn't even cross forEach or function boundaries. Not enough to make tolerable a language that has 1K points controversial StackOverflow answers on how to iterate an array.

And anyway I want to use my editor and git, like a proper homo sapiens, so let's see how to develop scripts locally with clasp and TypeScript. BTW, TypeScript is awesome.

Start by installing clasp, and don't skip the part about enabling the Apps Script API. Do a clasp login, too.

Then in a new folder create a .clasp.json file with this content:

You'll find the scriptID in the URL, before the /edit part. We use built as the rootDir so that we can put our TypeScript source outside of it.

Just once run clasp pull to populate the built/appsscript.json file. clasp push will upload to our Script the content of built which we will generate soon.

Create a TypeScript config file tsconfig.json file like this (most things are preferences, but notice the target, lib and outDir):

Then put some TypeScript code in src/Code.ts and run tsc --pretty to generate JavaScript in built!

And here's the kicker: running npm install --save @types/google-apps-script will make type definitions for the Gmail API available to TypeScript, so an editor like Visual Studio Code will come with proper autocompletion out of the box.

This is getting a bit too hip, so we add an old-fashioned Makefile:

Gmail Account Creator Script

And sprinkle .gitignore to taste. I like to exclude the generated JavaScript (but not the JSON metadata) and the node_modules as we have a package-lock.json:

Create Gmail Account

Now you can develop in TypeScript inside src, with full types and autocompletion support, and deploy to your Apps Script with make deploy. Google will run the Script every 5 minutes (if you followed Ben's instructions).

Gmail Account Creator Script Pastebin

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