Wineskin is a tool used to 'wrap' Windows games so that they can be run on Mac OS X. We have used it to prepare the Mac versions of the Windows games you can find on this site. This means if you have updated your Mac to Hi Sierra, it's possible that you can't play games like Disney's Hercules, Pharaoh, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure and more.

Right now we can use VMs (VirtualBox, Parallels, VM Fusion) using other operating systems (Ubuntu, Red Hat, or if you can actually get it to work an older version of the MacOS) thought doing this correctly is kind of 'uhhh, how do you do that?'
How To Use Wineskin Mac
In this article we cover using Wineskin Winery to run what would normally be a PC-only program successfully under Yosemite on a Mac! Rock, Scissors, Paper Papercraft is a great way to make prototypes of your 3D models, but the stumbling block for Mac users has always been that the program of choice for unwrapping your models as origami style. Running Windows Apps/Games on a Mac using Wineskin Wine serves as a bridge between Windows and Unix based systems. Though there are numerous ways of getting Windows applications to run on a Mac, this is the classic and most convenient route. It creates a wrapper, allowing you to run apps from within. In theory Bootcamp will offer superior performance as long as your mac is intel based. It also makes nexusmods much easier to manage and use. The downside is the cost of Windows and the partition itself. Wine is free and can use Steamworkshop mods with ease but performance is not as good.